
TTC Consulting Co., Ltd founded from the owner of Truong Thanh General Trading and Business Consulting JSC in 2016.


Based in Hai Phong City, TTC Consulting (“TTC”) provides tax solutions to businesses, both small and large, nationwide. With a heavy focus on Accounting, Financing and Taxation, the two founding partners work closely with industries such as construction, engineering, trading, logistic services and manufacturing.


The team at TTC first determines which tax benefits will be beneficial to the client and then ensures that each relationship is handled with care and diligence. The TTC teams’ ability to work seamlessly with clients is the reason so many tax professionals and businesses across the nation have turned to TTC time and time again.


We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.TTC’s partners, Thuy Nguyen, Van Anh Nguyen and Hoa Nguyen, spent more than 15 years in the Accounting and Financing industry before opening their own firm. At TTC the primary focus is on in-person service and making sure all clients get a fair return on their investment.


Our Best Services


At TTC we prodive range of services including tax advisory services and tax compliance services for customers.


At TTC, we offer outsourced accounting and reporting services that meet your unique needs and fit with your existing business.


We provide series of training tailed to your needs including accounting and tax courses, from overview to specific topics


We help our clients to prevent, mitigate and resolve series of different financial, reputational, and regulatory issues to protect your business and maximize your benefits.

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